
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

haiku what i wrote

an assemblage of haiku (including some tanka and a few senryu) composed while blogging, inspiration from several different sources.

most of us know haiku, a short poem of three lines normally, though not essentially, comprising five, seven and five slyabubbles respectively, present tense, observational and suggests or depicts something of nature. pick 'n' choose, it doesn't really matter.

senryu is the same form as haiku, though its essence is about personal or human nature, sometimes humorous.

tanka starts off the same as haiku but has an extra two lines of seven sylabubs each which serve to reflect, conclude or merely follow on from the main haiku form.

these definitions are definitely unreliable, so don't shoot me down. it's just poetry, we're not in the business of bottling lemons.


since posting this, I have been introduced to a very new variation known as a fib. a fib gets its name and its rules from the mathematical fibonacci series, it being a 6 line poem comprising 1-1-2-3-5-8 syllables. the only other rule is the first and second lines cannot be definite or indefinite articles (a, the, le, la, il etc).

it's an interesting concept though the problem with single word phrase lines is not just to create a 4-3-5-8 or a 7-5-8 poem in which the first phrase is broken down just to comply with fibonacci. As far as the true soul of haiku goes, it's probably a step too far, but it's not for me to make or insist on the rules!

the haiku


jasmine shadows dance
to the silent song of the breeze
between sun and cloud


beneath the limelight
a hundred pepper moths jive
through valerian blooms


night cloud sailing
over the dark spectral sea
of tranquillity


ivy, verdant spears
piercing forlorn hearts of stone
life and death as one


field of lowly crowns
each upon a dandy’s head
knaves who would be kings


front row vacant seats
centre stage the dawn still plays
to an empty house


blue sky winter sun
feeling warm through my dark fleece
cold air burns the hands


grey indolent air
lethargic trees scarcely stir
my life is on hold


in the morning's blue
sits an incongruous moon
odd like a spare part


twigs sprout from branches
sons in their father's image
grand family tree

the senryu


eyes ask when? yes, now
noses like a puzzle solved
your lips strangely soft


finally the light!
but around the bend awaits
another tunnel


a new task today
bespoke yet familiar
working déjà vu


any danger of tea?
that gruesome dense office brew
gets me through the day


ovum’s yellow pearl
treasured orb from juices deep
prairie oyster cure


waiting for new tyres
i walk around watermoor
taking in the light


evening classmates
learning the language of love
one has to start here


soft breeze parts your blouse
enticing valley between
smooth and curving flesh

and the tanka


in the bare lime tree
an excited chaffinch sings
of hot potatoes

the small bird’s love song heralds
this cold grey season’s demise


a curious sun
draws aside the grey curtain
peeks once then is gone

the briefest illuminance
gives the most brilliant light

the fib


the blue embracing
twilight nears, the last child has flown


blood red
upon gold
such bounty can't hide
my brother cut down in anger


Blogger Diane Dehler said...

Very nice, indeed- especially liked the jasmine haiku.

Friday, 27 April, 2007  

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