
Wednesday, September 20, 2006


The minutiae of Life & the two minute poem


bob and len discuss poetry

leonard said hallelujah!
it took ten years to write
aghast, bob's watchtower-
all along it took, well
barely half an hour.
the two men mused long
and finally, silently
bid each other good day.
so, when you say where
do i see my poetry lie
on the cohen-dylan spectrum
i reply, oh, definitely
in the infra-read.



when you think about it
the only option left is
to learn to love the rain.
is it not like us - mainly water?
but only opposites attract
it's an apposite fact
that we hate the rain because
it reminds us of ourselves:
living wet on the water's
edge, slipping on sopping socks
so, shoes get holes sometimes!
yet you can still walk the
farthest in your oldest pair.

Thanks to Michelle for correcting my original clunk ending. :o)

as a footnote, do you know that nearly all these efforts end up as 13 liners. now i'm not superstitious but i could be suspicious that the number has some unconscious significance or, possibly, a natural rhythm only in-tune with myself. is it wrong? is it okay? these are the questions i need to answer right now.


Blogger michelle said...

13 is my ex-boyfriend's lucky number. don't know why that would be important to you.

i am swimming in this:

it's an apposite fact
that we hate the rain because
it reminds us of ourselves:
living wet on the water's
edge, slipping on sopping socks
so, shoes get holes sometimes!
yet you can still walk the farthest
in your oldest pair of shoes.

but my tongue floats in this:

it's an apposite fact
that we hate the rain because
it reminds us of ourselves:
living wet on water's
edge, slipping on sopping socks
so, shoes get holes sometimes!
yet you can still walk the farthest
in your oldest pair.

your s sounds make me smile.

Wednesday, 20 September, 2006  
Blogger Ian russell said...

michelle that works better. repetition of shoes wasn't too clever.

alliteration is a cheap trick but sometimes i can't help myself. i read that the australian aboriginals don't have an 'S', 'f' or 'th' sound in their language and when they first heard Europeans speak they believed them to be snake-demons.

Thursday, 21 September, 2006  
Blogger sandra said...

I love your point of view about the rain...! even when I do not share it....it is so easy for you to show your thoughts in verse Ian!

Thursday, 21 September, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work, Ian. I'll have to explore your blog to find out about the two minute poem.

The number 13 seems to be working here on some level for you, It's fun to discover those underlying patters in our work.

Thursday, 21 September, 2006  
Blogger Ian russell said...

january, i wrote a ''2-minute poem'' for the prompt ''be yourself'' and it was yet another 13-liner! ha ha - what's going on? (i didn't like the poem i wrote so i haven't posted it.) what i should have done is write about the 13-liner.

thank you, lluvia, but i'm still not sure about my poems.

Friday, 22 September, 2006  

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