one deep breath prompt
the surrounding roar
fades slowly into silence
as i read my book
no shortage of works
if you're not enjoying that book
stop! - start another
that elusive third
selecting my three for two
from ottakar's books
though i buy most of my books on-line from amazon thesedays, i can't resist a good high street offer of 3 for 2. i realise why i buy from amazon when i can't quite decide if i'm entirely happy with that iffy third choice. ;o)
the second haiku is inspired by something i read the author, Nick Hornby, advising in the book section of my weekend paper. ironically, it could very well be one of Hornby's that i would give up reading. :o)
i think the first holds such truth for all avid readers...books seems to spread a sort of "invisibility cloak" on the rest of the world surrounding us
Thanks for the inspiration..shutting down the computer and off to a book store! (however, i did post your link already so not to worry)
I shouldn't have read that second haiku actually. I'm too easily giving up on books this year. But yes, three very true haiku for all readers. I'm a second hand bookshop person myself. I can afford to buy more that way!
That first one is just wonderful and the second is needed ... sometimes I've forced myself through a book that I've not liked and ended up not liking myself!!
Hello over there.
Nice place you've got.
Very true, is all I have to say. I have had moments described by all three poems :-)
Three lovely haiku, and they all ring bells with me. Where would we be without books, I wonder. I can live withou television and generally do, but not without books. There is no such thing as too many books.
I especially like #1 - I so often use books to retreat from the hub-bub of life around me. I love how the "roar fades slowly into silence"!
great trio of haiku! ah, the lovely power and magic of books ... and yes, if one does not delight, move on to then next!
Three lovely haiku that tell a sweet tale of the love of reading :) Nice new diggs!
Your haiku are wonderful and so true, especially the first two. I'm fairly distractible, but when I get my nose in a good book, my attention is grabbed.
I've pretty much given up on "3 for 2" because I can never find 3 that I really want (although I find way more than 3 on the full price shelves).
But your 3 haiku all hit the spot. I feel like I just got "3 for 1"
thank you! welcome to my (not really new) poem blog - well, why not?
it was a semi-secret place where i tentatively explore the possibility of verse. a person has many rooms to his or her nature, and this is my little cupboard under the stairs.
what i really want is a big big space where i could install a pool table and a beer fridge and still have enough spare floor left to splosh around in the manner of jackson pollock! we live in hope...
I love the way you broke a complete sentence down into just the right traditional pattern. The first one really worked for me. Enjoyed them all.
the first is right on in expressing how reading can make all other things recede--excellent series, ian
The second one gets right at the dilemma...when to stop, how long to hope, how many chances to grant. And how to know...when you get to the end will you be glad you stuck it out...or will you feel tricked (even though the inside voice was offering the "give it up now" warning)? tHanKs!
i've had a few of those too! rest assured i didn't delete it this end. ;o)
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