
Monday, October 23, 2006

one deep breath

one deep breath : mystery (yugen).


recognising you
when i glance in the mirror
flowing eternal


two figures walking
caught in the passing headlights
as the night claims them


Reading the link on one deep breath for Kristin Boryca's study on the four aesthetic terms in haiku - sabi, wabi, yugen and aware, I wondered if they could relate to the four elements - fire, air (wind), water, earth. (whatever they might mean!)

I came up with;

sabi - solitude - air (or wind)

wabi - stability - earth

yugen - mystery - fire

aware - impermanence - water

a pointless exercise but I had a bit of time on my hands.


Blogger Endment said...

Wonderful insights on haiku

now I know i am simply a beginner

Monday, 23 October, 2006  
Blogger Helen said...

Beautiful. I love #2 ... as the night claims them. Very mysterious. Thanks for the information. You were up early!

Monday, 23 October, 2006  
Blogger kerrdelune said...

I hadn't ever considered relating wabi, sabi, yugen and aware to the elements, and now I shall. Thank you for this wonderful insight and for the two poignant haiku too. There is mystery and melancholy in both, perfect for a late autumn evening.

Monday, 23 October, 2006  
Blogger susanlavonne said...

firt, the haiku are, as always, succinctly powerful

secondly...at dinner tonight i was making a list of ideas for future ODB topics and believe it or not, "the elements" is on the list! (kinda creepy, huh?) would you mind if i mention (and credit you) with the comparisons you came up with?

Monday, 23 October, 2006  
Blogger Ian russell said...

thanks all.

actually, helen, i think my blog clock is out of sync with UK time, i'm certain i was tucked up in bed for half these posts! ;o)

i didn't want to explain too much, in keeping with the mysterious theme, but these two figures I saw last week, an elderly couple walking along the grass verge at night. then coming home, in a totally different place i saw another elderly couple walking on the verge! they couldn't possibly be the same couple - or were they?

yes, susan, by all means - if you think it reads okay. :o)

Tuesday, 24 October, 2006  
Blogger Nancy Bea Miller said...

I like your poems, especially the second one. Very mysterious, and yet a familiar scene. Also thought your haiku element associations were very interesting (especially as I used the fire element in my own yugen.)

Wednesday, 25 October, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

catching a glimpse of the mystery...you wrapped up truth & wisdom in a beautiful package...thanks

Thursday, 26 October, 2006  
Blogger floots said...

especially liked these two ku
enjoyed your thoughts on process too

Wednesday, 01 November, 2006  

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