
Monday, June 26, 2006

one deep breath prompt

the prompt this week at one deep breath is the Fib - not, as I first thought, a falsehood but a variation on the 5-7-5 form. It's a 1-1-2-3-5-8 form instead, which is a mathematical sequence known as fibonacci. I have to confess to being a bit number blind even though I used to do okay in maths. I struggle to remember my own phone number! Certain things have natural appeal - like the thirds rule and certain ratios - but I don't get much from fibonacci, okay I'm looking at it and thinking yeah, and....? I think it's like one of those odd looking babies only a mother could love... anyway, that doesn't mean I can't try a poem. :o)

I was out on my bike this weekend and took this photo. I've chosen to write my Fib around it.

blood red
upon gold
such bounty can't hide
my brother cut down in anger

I was fascinated and delighted with Susan's post on the above theme and her quest with haiku on designs in nature - the light bulb in my head came on!

Over the past two weeks I have been collating all the haiku I've written for the sole purpose of posting something/anything on this blog. Well, I thought I'd gathered them all in but now I realise there was one that escaped, it hiding away, forgotten, on the photoblog. I'd just started using the camera and was snapping anything that moved and a lot more that didn't.

Anyway, I found myself in the park, staring up into the branches of this big London Plane and seeing fractals - nature's little growing patterns!

twigs sprout from branches
sons in their father's image
grand family tree


Blogger Unknown said...

Very nice `ku.

Friday, 30 June, 2006  

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